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Product details
File Size: 1738 KB
Print Length: 352 pages
Publisher: Anchor; 1st edition (March 11, 2008)
Publication Date: March 11, 2008
Sold by: Random House LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#95,707 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I'm not a physicist (I'm an engineer), but that doesn't stop me from having a strong interest in theoretical physics. This book, along with other Michio Kaku books have completely changed my perspective on the universe down to it's very fundamentals. This is one of the easier reads, in terms of just mental processing, but if you enjoy this book, I'd highly recommend Michio Kaku's book "Hyperspace".This did more for me than my first three college courses on physics, just saying that right now.
"In principle the ramjet engine could propel itself indefinitely, ultimately reaching distant star systems in the galaxy ... In theory, the spacecraft might be able to reach the limit of the visible universe within the lifetime of the crew member (although billions of years might have passed on Earth). ‒ from PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE"... a universe in which left and right are reversed, matter turns into antimatter, and time runs backward is a fully acceptable universe obeying the laws of physics!" ‒ from PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLEPHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE is a speculative work on the possibility (or not) of realizing what the current state of the Science of Physics considers impossible. Its author, Michio Kaku, is a theoretical physicist who helped define String Theory. On the other hand, physics and differential calculus quickly phasered my desire to become an aeronautical engineer back in the 60s. So, you might think that Kaku's book and I would be a poor match inasmuch as I turned out to be a Life Sciences kind of guy. Well, not necessarily.Michio begins his fascinating discussion by dividing what is "impossible" into three classes. Class I (force fields, invisibility, phasers, death stars, teleportation, telepathy, psychokinesis, robots, starships, antimatter engines) includes those concepts, while unattainable today, may be possible this century or the next. Class II (faster than light speeds, time travel, entry into parallel universes), at the edge of current understanding, may be realized millions of years in the future. Nothing in these two categories violates the known laws of physics. Class III (perpetual motion machines and precognition) violates the known laws of physics and would require a paradigmatic shift.Most important to my appreciation of the subject matter, the author explains everything ‒ or nearly everything ‒ at a level that can be (mostly) understood by us Just Folks who could barely manipulate a slide rule back in the day. And except, as I recall, only one or two mentions of Einstein's famous E = (m) (c squared), he doesn't speak in equations at all.Granted, when Kako starts in about the eleven dimensions and multiverses allowed for by String Theory, the subject matter perhaps recedes over my comprehension's event horizon, but I figure he's allowed. He's earned it.One can only imagine the advances in physics since this book was copyrighted in 2008. Can Scotty now beam me up, I wonder?As with The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos by Brian Greene, PHYSICS OF THE IMPOSSIBLE will perhaps open-up the reader's mind to a sense of wonder. Ever since the Caveman first gazed up into the night sky uncontaminated by any light and thought "Dude!", such a mental epiphany is an experience to be savored.
The Physics of the Impossible was one of the best books I have ever read.Dr. Michio Kaku takes the reader on a journey from what is possible with the physics of today to what may be accomplished in the future, like time travel, invisibility, teleportation, faster than light travel, etc. He presents a detailed account of string theory, robotics, anti-gravity and phasers that make it easy for those who do not have a background in physics to understand.
You know how people always ask, "If you could sit down and have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would you pick and why?" Yeah, yeah, everybody picks Lincoln or Jesus.Me? I'd pick Michio Kaku. This guy is phenomenal! I'd love to sit down across the table from him, ply him whatever libations he prefers and then let him verbally go to town while I sit there and listen to him and occasionally interject asking questions.For this man to be able to not only explain previous futuristic predictions made by his predecessors with ease and an astutely keen perception of where they were correct and incorrect, but to also be able to go into such great detail about what's to come, based upon where we are now and where we've come from, it's actually something marvel over as you roll around what he's written in your brain and let it sink in.If you have ANY interest in physics or even just in the progress of mankind -- past, present and future -- this book will not disappoint.
The approach Kaku has taken with this book is very good. He has different ratings for (im)possibility: 1. possible, but existing technology is not quite there yet 2. could be possible if a new form of technology that we do not know of could be developed 3. not possible with our known laws of physics.He also rates different kinds of civilizations based on their access to energy. A type 1 is for instance a civilization that is able to harness most of the power of the earth; a type 2 most of the power of the sun; a type 3 most of the power of the galaxy etc.He uses the latest knowledge of physics to comment on cases ranging from time travel, force fields, anti-gravity and so forth. In each case he gives the (im)possibility rating and type of civilization he expects would be able to realize it. Watching sci-fi after reading this book will be different indeed, you will be able to jeer or praise the stories with much more authority.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.†(Arthur C. Clarke)-- and I often walk the razor's edge between wondering how much of this is 'magic' and how much 'could be' science. This book helps in that quest. If you are an avid fan of the Science Channel, a good deal of what is discussed in the book is already out there in the form of guest appearances by Michio on various shows. This doesn't detract from the read--it does, however, take away some of the novelty.As I believe " science fiction ... contains elements of known, extrapolation of known or logical theoretical science" -- I find myself going back to from time to time to re-read parts of this book as I continue to walk the journey of the razor's edge.It's an easy read and a must for any die hard science fiction fan--unless, of course, you follow John W. Campbell's infamous "Science fiction is what I say it is."
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