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Product details
File Size: 1480 KB
Print Length: 384 pages
Publisher: ORBIS; 2 edition (April 30, 2014)
Publication Date: April 30, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#561,309 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Miguel A. De La Torre's revised and expanded edition of "Doing Christian Ethics From the Margins" is a foundational text. It's a well-written, accessible, and formative introduction to contemporary Christian social ethics in a liberationist perspective. His epilogue is honest and instructive, "I have consistently heard from colleagues who have used this book in their class that students either love it or hate it. No one is ever neutral." (329) Such a response is for a clear and consistent reason: "[T]o do ethics from the margins is to participate in a Christian social ethics that fully considers (1) the privilege of power, (2) the causes of supposed superiority, and (3) the rules by which power is maintained. Only then can Christian expose and debunk the obstacles preventing all of God's creates from living the abundant life." (330) We all live in concrete realities midst differing relationships of power and privilege. Probing these relationships and ethically questioning these relationships from the perspective of the marginalized and dispossessed is faithfully and consistently applied throughout the text.This excellent introduction and exposition of Christian social ethics is based on analysis of race, sex & gender, and class. Grounding this analysis, Part I forms an accessible and concise introduction to the theory of liberation ethics. By the end of the first part, the reader has a solid grasp on the importance of social location in theology and ethics, the priority of praxis, and the hermeneutical circle (Segundo) that defines the praxeological approach of liberation ethics.Parts II, III, and IV lay out introductions to the dominant themes, issues, and systemic nature of liberationist social ethics. Their rightful focus is systemic social relationships. Part II introduces case studies in "Global Relationships" and focuses on globalization, poverty, war, and environment. In each of its chapters, the perspectives of marginal and dispossessed people are prioritized and excellent ethical questions illuminated. Part III covers case studies in "National Relationships," and introduces the concept of empire, and focuses on national poverty, political campaigns, and life and death. In each, material is neither redundant or haphazard, but organized with a sociological lens with attention to questions of social justice and real-life ethical dilemmas. Part IV provides case studies in "Business Relationships." Again, the chapter focuses on relevant social inequities and power structures created by free-market systems and seeming unquestionable economic logic. The chapters cover corporate accountability, affirmative action, the war on women (sexist discrimination, gender inequality, sexual violence, reproductive rights and campaign to control womens' bodies), and private property. In this final chapter, Miguel De La Torre does an excellent job focusing not on overworked debates over capitalism vs socialism, but succinctly and clearly states the problem of property in relationships to the poor and dispossessed.Each chapter and case study demonstrates the hermeneutical circle outlined in Chapter 3 and ends with real-life situations shaped by clear ethical questions and dilemma that the reader (or student) can meaningful engage.I appreciate this text for its breadth and focus. It also demonstrates thoughtful integration of social ethics and liberation ethics in Christian perspective. As a student and instructor of Christian ethics and social theory, I think this is an excellent text for personal, ecclesiastical, or classroom use. The only thing that will likely change between these applications is how quickly you move through it.Thank you, Miguel A. De La Torre
This is one of the most difficult yet rewarding books I've read in years. I have to read a paragraph or two, set the book down, digest, walk into the new space opened for me, and then come back to it again later. I can't imagine how I got this far in Latino ministry, or any ministry, without having read this book first. It both challenges my presumptions and confirms my intuitions. Although written decades ago, it uncannily speaks to ethical issues of 2017.
This book will be a great resource for the adult unit on Christian ethics that I am leading. The information contained was updated for this 2nd edition, and is timely and thought-provoking. It is not easy reading in the sense of making the reader feel good, but it is understandable without an academic background in the field. I am glad to add this resource to my library. De la Torres presents a valuable perspective for anyone who wants to think more deeply about ethics and the world we live in.
This is one of those books that one hates to love. It was very much an eye-opener, teaching me that this world is not nearly as wonderful as I thought it was. Miguel de la Torre did an excellent job of covering a variety of contemporary subjects that are so important to our society today. He caused me to expand my view of those who are on the margins and gave solid case studies that in some cases were shocking. This is a book that is neither focused on Democratic or Republican views, but one that is based on the whole of our American - and indeed - the world today.
Pushed me to think more critically about ethical issues and it exposed some blind spots that I had in my processing of some ethical considerations.
This book made me cry. It's very good and well written, but the subject matter is hard. The chapter on the environment is especially hard. An almost overwhelming amount of statistics and information on the horrors of environmental racism and just badly we've effed up the planet on multiple fronts. The case studies will break your heart.
Excellent text. Well written, full of well-researched facts but readily accessible to undergrads. The case studies as a means to apply the hermeneutical circle process are great practice. De La Torre blends history with 21st century issues to state clearly that Christian Ethics means doing ethics from the margins.
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